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The purpose of this article is to provide an automated way to define links for the home page and the bookmarks of Epiphany, the DoudouLinux web browser. Links placed in this page will be automatically collected by a script in order to generate the configuration files on our CD that change the home page and the bookmarks for each language. If you want to provide relevant links for your language, please translate this page or, at least, change the links in the version of your language. You can also check our existing links and propose additional ones.
First of all, few words about how to perform link selection. The selected websites we want to show children must comply with the spirit of our project. For this reason we ask you to check several points before adding or replacing a link in this page:
Links placed in this section will be displayed as buttons in the web browser home page (see our example page). The text of the link is the text of the button, of course its URL is the button link URL, and the text after the comma will be used as a small help text a priori below the buttons. Here are the links for the English home page of Epiphany:
As of writing, links will be arranged into an ellipse instead of a classical, boring column-wise arrangement. The first link of the list is the most important, it is displayed at the top the ellipse. Then other links are placed regularly around the ellipse, clockwise. The less important links are then not the latest ones in the list but are in the middle of the list. The latest link of the list is indeed as important as the second link of the list (see our example page).
The number of links in the list does not matter, the placement algorithm deals with any number of links. However too few links would lead to a triangle or a lozenge – not very funny –, while too many links would make their buttons be too close to each other, if not overlapping. You then have to find a good number of links for your language to be highlighted in the home page, 6 to 9 should be such good number. If you have too many links, think of putting a part of them into bookmarks instead.
Links placed in this section will be used to create Epiphany’s bookmarks. They are arranged into categories, this is why each link comes with a category in the list below. The link text will be used as the bookmark title. Please browse the existing default categories of Epiphany before creating new ones. Note also that the homepage links in the previous section should obviously all be bookmarked too: you need to duplicate them!
Epiphany bookmarks are shown in its menu “Bookmarks”. All or a part of this menu can eventually be integrated into the main browser interface, via tool bars customization. However, some DoudouLinux scripts will show bookmarks directly on the top of the Epiphany homepage to give them a more pleasant appearance and an even easier access. As this menu will be horizontal, try to use short names for your categories! Here is the list of English Epiphany bookmarks:
If you want to change or add search engines to the list, like the three last entries, you have to replace in their search URL the text searched for with a sequence %s. Search links are not displayed in the bookmark menu of the homepage but are instead used to build a list of search engines close to the search entry, on top of the page. On the other hand, they remain visible in the Epiphany official bookmark menu and, of course, can be managed with its bookmark management tool.
In this section, we are detailing information for our web designers who will have to design and customize the links in the Epiphany homepage. The issues are the following:
To achieve this, we are currently testing a solution that consists in:
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