The computer they prefer!
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TV Tomsk broadcast a report about DoudouLinux on Saturday, 24 October 2010. The interview is available in Russian on their website and deals with the DoudouLinux contents, its interest and its translation into Russian. TV Tomsk also gave us the authorization to use the video on our website. This is why we propose that you view a subtitled version of this 2 minute report. It is available in several formats: a smaller MOV file, and two larger FLV and OGG files. You will see Gosha –a pet name for 8 year old George– enjoying DoudouLinux and speaking about computers. The subtitle text is transcribed below.
George, age 8, like many of his fellows spends a lot of time behind a PC. Now he’s examining a new software specially designed for children.
George Nemchaninov (Георгий Немчанинов):
“I’ve studied almost everything about computers. The system hardly teaches me anything but this is great!”
This is the point from where DoudouLinux creators started: kids are sure they’re playing but in fact they’re developing many skills. The programs are educational and entertaining for kids from 2 years and up. Digits, colors and letters for the smallest children; mathematics, geography and foreign languages for the older ones. The user interface is so simple that a kid can use it by himself. And his parents can rest assured about their important data on PC.
Julia Nemchaninova (Юлия Немчанинова), senior lecturer in information technologies at IACS, TSPU [1]:
“DoudouLinux system is loaded from a separate CD and does not need user or system data stored on PC. Children can try everything, click whatever they want without fear: it’s guaranteed that they won’t alter any data.”
DoudouLinux is based on the well-known Debian Linux. The first Russian version was released thanks to Tomsk enthusiasts from Institute of Applied Informatics of TSPU. It is available for download on the website.
Bogdan Mishuk (Богдан Мищук), director of IACS, TSPU:
“We have translated text: menus and messages in the first version. It’s published on the project website. Next phase is full localization of the system and its components including translation of sound messages.”
The program is distributed free of charge and may become an irreplaceable assistant for many parents. Children may have an opportunity to learn, play and grow. Moreover, computer skills learned will be useful to them in the future, for sure.
“Computers are everywhere. What else do you want?”
Tatiana Morosova for Vesti Tomsk.
[1] Institute of Applied Computer Sciences, Tomsk State Pedagogical University
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