The computer they prefer!
The computer they prefer!
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Latest addition : 22 December.
DoudouLinux is a community project, itself based on numerous other community projects. This is the principle of free [1] software development. Thus anyone feeling motivated can take part in the project:
We invite you to read the page Where does DoudouLinux goes? in order to see the direction we wish to give to this project. No need to get involved regularly, you can simply send us a piece of text, a file or a suggestion for a task you could perform. You just need to email the DoudouLinux team at We are pleased to welcome new, interesting stuff and initiatives!
[1] free as in freedom, not free of charge - even if this is free of charge!
As you may guess, our team is not large enough to translate DoudouLinux into the more than 60 languages desired as (...) Read more…
This section targets article authors of the DoudouLinux website. It will explain how pages are managed and how to (...) Read more…
This section is intended for DoudouLinux system developers. Artists and communication support writers are also (...) Read more…
Our source code repository uses Subversion, a source code management tool usually called SVN. After several weeks (...) Read more…
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Creative Commons BY-SA