The computer they prefer!
The computer they prefer!
The site's languages [ar] [cs] [de] [en] [es] [fa] [fr] [it] [ms] [nl] [pt] [pt_br] [ro] [ru] [sr] [sr@latin] [th] [uk] [vi] [zh]
Latest addition : 9 December.
As you may guess, our team is not large enough to translate DoudouLinux into the more than 60 languages desired as of writing. Not that we are lacking in motivation, but indeed, we only speak two or three languages each, and not all natively. So you can help us translating DoudouLinux, even for languages that we are already supporting. And if your language is missing from the download page, you can ask us to build and upload it onto our servers. In a few words: please come and help us provide the best child-oriented system; even better than game consoles!
NB: in the bottom of this page you will find a link to the page of application translation status. This does not give information about the status of the translations of web pages, as yet.
DoudouLinux provides about 50 applications, plus some system applications such as the panel, file manager and so (...) Read more…
You may wonder how well translated the CDROM of your language is or could be. Alternatively, translators or future (...) Read more…
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