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Latest addition : 26 November.
In this section you will find documentation for DoudouLinux users:
Basically, you just need to know how to start DoudouLinux to be able to use it (otherwise contact us to tell us what’s wrong). We hope that these pages will pique your curiosity and let you get to the bottom of DoudouLinux!
Additionally, if you want, you can browse the documentation offline although this is on the CD. You can also download it directly below in PDF format.
The “quickstart” files correspond to the quick start guide(!) and, surprisingly, the “userdoc” files correspond to the user documentation! It is roughly equivalent to this section with a few pages removed, particularly the page that explains how to install DoudouLinux on the computer [1].
[1] Recall that your kids should use the computer without risking to damage its data…
Standard DoudouLinux is delivered with about 75 applications that have been specially chosen to be accessible for (...) Read more…
DoudouLinux is designed to be used by children without requiring to tune the system first. Nevertheless you may (...) Read more…
DoudouLinux use is supposed to be intuitive. However you may have missed some details or have encountered one of (...) Read more…
In addition to applications targeting children, DoudouLinux provide more technical tools targeting parents. With (...) Read more…
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