The computer they prefer!
The computer they prefer!
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Latest addition : 31 January 2014.
No need to spend nights of hard labor to help us, you can also give us just 1 or 2 hours in your life to help making DoudouLinux be known. For this purpose we will provide promotion supports in a near future such as posters or flyers. Right now we can propose you to post a template article on websites where you know that reader’s contribution is welcome. You will find in this section several translations of a template promoting article. Of course you can translate it into another language that you speak fluently and post your work in the concerned countries. Even if you don’t want to get involved in DoudouLinux translation, this is a good way for us to find new contributors.
The whole DoudouLinux team thank you in advance for your future contribution!
You will find in this section presentations of DoudouLinux in web mode. Thanks to a script of the web page, it is (...) Read more…
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