The computer they prefer!
The computer they prefer!
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DoudouLinux offers a set of games both educational and easy to use in order to have fun while learning. At just 2 years old, any child can use DoudouLinux. Reading is not required, neither being a mouse expert, this is just the contrary. For older children, simple applications give the opportunity to write texts, to draw, to calculate or even to discover how to make music and movies or to learn programming. Moreover they can lend, copy and give DoudouLinux to their friends as they do in the school playground - all of this is totally legal!
The DoudouLinux project considers that current mainstream consumer computing environments do not suit children because they offer too many functionalities and require too much technical knowledge that children don’t have. For these reasons, DoudouLinux has built an environment specially for children:
No need to install DoudouLinux to use it, it can then be carried anywhere, for example, by Granddad and Granny. DoudouLinux is provided full and ready to be used, nothing else to be downloaded, nothing else to be updated and nothing else to be administered. Moreover, there is no extension to pay for monthly and no ads is displayed to compensate for the null price. Since version 2010-11 it also natively ships real-time web content filtering to keep our children’s eyes off of “naughty” websites, and since version 2.0, annoying website practices like aggressive advertising and user tracking are blocked. So at most you will have to adjust your computer sound output and the mouse speed! Moreover, DoudouLinux runs on any PC computer and on Macintosh™ ones made after year 2006, a priori [2].
DoudouLinux is based on “Live CD” technology with which a full system can be started from a CD instead of installing and starting the system from the computer. In no way does DoudouLinux access local system data nor the Internet behind your back. You can then quietly let your children play with the computer. Moreover, DoudouLinux contains no malware such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware or keyloggers. And when DoudouLinux runs from CD, it cannot be corrupted by malware nor fail due to hardware troubles or even blunders. To make a long story short, it is risk free!
DoudouLinux is built on free software, free as in freedom [3]. Free software licenses let anybody copy, distribute, analyze or even modify such software totally freely. You can then copy, lend, give DoudouLinux to who you want. We even encourage you to make tons of copies!
[1] The “Start” menu that some systems provide…
[2] Apple began installing Intel processors on its machines this year. And DoudouLinux only runs on AMD, Intel or Intel-compatible x86 processors.
[3] Technically DoudouLinux is based on the Debian Linux system and uses a very large majority of packages picked from it.
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