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If you cannot make the network or sound function, if your screen is not correctly set, then you can use the DoudouLinux tool to report a hardware issue. This tool generates a compressed text file containing a lot of information about your hardware configuration. We can then use this information to diagnose your problem remotely. Of course, we cannot guarantee success, but this is better than starting from zero!
The tool to send a Hardware Issue report is located in the group “System” of the tab “Tune” from the activity “Whole DoudouLinux”. This is a very simple application which generates a report then proposes to send it to our support request portal if you are connected to the Internet. If you are not connected, you will have to plug a removable storage device (eg. a USB key), copy the report file then send it via email from another computer. The report file name is “doudou-hwreport.gz” and should be in the home directory.
Please note that the tool is currently not able to send the report automatically. You need to fill the form and attach the report file before sending the form. This is why the tool will open the file manager and the web navigator in order to show you where the report file is and what form is to be filled. If the web navigator window is hiding the file manager one, you can toggle windows by pressing the Tab key while the Alt key is being pressed.
Of course, if the Internet is not available, the tool will end without showing the web navigator but file manager will still be shown in order to let you copy the report file.
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