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There are 2 ways of editing translation files: online at Transifex using their nice interface, and offline at your PC using "poedit"or "Qt Linguist".
Due to Ehtele ’s effort, now you can see how easy it is to get a "PO" file from Transifex and edit it using "poedit" offline.
A couple of comments.
After PO catalog (which is actually a file) is created, you don’t need the POT file anymore.
Now about editing "TS" files with "Qt Linguist". 1st: download the latest version of "Qt Linguist" here.
After "Qt Linguist" is installed you can do the same things Ehtele shows in his video, except file format - "TS" instead of "PO". Currently "hydrogen" and "Stopmotion" translations are handled with "TS" files.
Open downloaded "TS" file in "Qt Linguist" and edit it! It’s easy but sometimes you can’t do it - the editor just blocks translation field (or the text in it). The reason is <translation type="obsolete">
Modify this tag without a notion but do it accurately! Close "Qt Linguist" and open "TS" file in "Notepad++". Now you can see this tag clearly. Mark it with cursor and press Ctrl+H.
Then press "Replace All" button and that’s it!
Now close "prompt" and "Replace" windows, save file and close "Notepad++". You’re welcome to edit updated translation file in "Qt Linguist"!
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