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Friday 6 December 2013
DoudouLinux version 2.1 is out! After a few months of gestation, this is the first update of DoudouLinux Hyperborea 2.0. Of course it brings several improvements, updates, fixes, two new applications, but not only :). Indeed we are particularly proud to announce that two new services are now officially available to our users and supporters:
DoudouLinux products and goodies can now all be accessed from the new page products and resellers. Alternatively, you can still make a donation or contribute to our project, we are very open-minded guys, to tell the truth. :) So now let’s look at this release 2.1! The main changes are the following:
As you can see, it took time to release version 2.1 but there are lots of new, interesting things, not only on the DVD, and this is just the beginning – at least we hope so! Read more…
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